<font color=\"#333333\"> </font><center><font face=\"宋体\" color=\"#ff0000\" style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 20pt; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal;\">如 果 你 要 怀 念 我</font> <br/> <br/><font face=\"宋体\" color=\"#00008b\" style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal;\">译自Robert N.Test所写 <br/>\"To Remember Me\" <p></p><p>总有一天, <br/>我会躺在医院的白色被单下。 <br/>总有一个时候, <br/>医生会认定我的脑功能已经停止。 <br/>那表示,我的生命已经结束了。 <br/>那时候,请千万不要称呼那是死亡之床, <br/>而应该称为生命之床。 <br/>因为我要将我的身体拿出来帮助别人, <br/>延续他们的生命。 <br/>让我的眼睛,给一位从来没见过人世的人; <br/>将我的心, <br/>给一位拥有一颗使他痛苦的心脏的人; <br/>把我的肾,交给那些需要透析的人; <br/>用我的筋骨、神经,让跛脚的孩童行走; <br/>烧去我的残骸, <br/>变成可绽放美丽花朵的肥料。 <br/>如果必须埋葬什么, <br/>请埋葬我的过错、软弱及偏见。 <br/>将我的罪归还魔鬼、将我的灵交给神。 <br/>如果你要怀念我,请与我一样; <br/>让我们都永生不死!<font color=\"#333333\" size=\"2\">
</font></p></font><font color=\"#333333\" size=\"2\">
</font></center><p><br/>Robert N. Test<br/>About Robert N Test<br/>A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Robert Test was a writer for television and radio when he wrote this essay. He had previously experienced some severe health problems, and he began to wonder \"what would happen to me in that situation.\" To remember me was written during an half-hour lunch break. First appearing in The Cincinnati Post, it later drew international attention when it was reprinted in Reader s Digest in the fall of 1976 as well as syndicated columns. Over the past 28 years, it has been read or heard by millions worldwide.He also helped to bring the issue of organ and tissue donation into the public consciousness. Although the idea of donating organs for transplants was not new, never before had anyone stated the case as movingly as he did.<br/>Test was 69 years old when he died in 1994 of complications from lung disease. Under the terms of his will, his body was donated to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine s Department of Anatomy. His closing words complete his memorable life-giving legacy ? \"If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.\" </p><p>罗伯特 特斯特是土生土长的俄亥俄州辛辛那提人,写作此文时为电视和电台撰稿人。由于先前遭遇过几次大病,开始思考“那种情况下会发生什么”这一问题。《记住我》完稿于午间半小时。此文最先发表在《辛辛那提邮报》,后于1976年秋季在《读者文摘》和多家报纸上重印,引起全球关注。在过去的28年里,此文拥有全世界数百万的读者和听众。</p><p>他还提出器官捐献问题引起公众的注意。虽然器官移植不是什么新问题,但此前没有一人像他那样感人至深地陈述过这一事件。</p><p>特斯特1994年因肺病并发症去世,享年69岁。按照他的遗嘱,其遗体捐献给了辛辛那提大学医学院解剖学系。文章的结尾完成了他捐献生命遗产的不朽篇章:“假如,你想记住我,那么就请在别人需要我的时候尽量去帮他;做一件事或说一句话。如果你做到了我所说的一切,我将永远活着。”</p><p></p> |