<p>生活依然持续着,两个人依然没有交点,也许有种不远不近的距离会增加彼此的幻想力,又或许,这样比有交点好.</p><p>故事即将到尾声,SARAH要放弃现在的工作去国外治疗身体,而HENRY对SARAH的病情是否了解我不知道,只是在大结局时候,看到了两个人终于相约到一起晚饭.晚饭后,围绕着道路一直走下去,沉默,再沉默.</p><p>路边的流浪歌手一边弹着吉他,一边唱carry on:</p><p>In younger days, I told myself my life would be my own </p><p>And I\'d leave the place where sunshine never shone </p><p>For my life\'s too short for waiting when I see the rising sun </p><p>Then I know again that I must carry on </p><p>Carry on till tomorow, there\'s no reason to look back </p><p>Carry on, carry on, carry on </p><p>Beyond the shadows of the clouds and onward to the sky </p><p>Carry on till I find the rainbow\'s end </p><p>For my life\'s too short for waiting when I see the rising sun </p><p>Then I know again that I must carry on </p><p>Carry on till tomorow, there\'s no reason to look back </p><p>Carry on, carry on, carry on </p><p>Drifting on the wings of freedom, leave this stormy day </p><p>And we\'ll ride to tomorrow\'s golden fields </p><p>For my life\'s too short for waiting when I see the rising sun </p><p>Then I know again that I must carry on </p><p>Carry on till tomorow, there\'s no reason to look back </p><p>Carry on, carry on, carry on </p><p>And when the heavy journey\'s done, I\'ll rest my weary head </p><p>For the world and it\'s colours will be mine </p><p>For my life\'s too short for waiting when I see the setting sun </p><p>Then I know again that I must carry on </p><p>Carry on till tomorow, there\'s no reason to look back </p><p>Carry on, carry on, carry on </p><p> </p><p>[mp=50,35,0]http://mybluepig.xnol.com/song/Carry_On_Till_Tomorrow.MP3[/mp]</p><p>这时候,我多么的希望HENRY能够勇敢把他的爱说出来,我知道,只要他再靠近一点点,再那么一点点,就可以了结了我们作为观众的心愿.</p><p>可是,两个人依然没有,最后到SARAH含着眼泪的看了HENRY,然后舒了一口气.也许没有开始总比开始了不知道如何应付彼此沉重的生活来得来.</p><p>生活,有些人,注定与你是擦肩而过成为遗憾的.</p><p>也许,就让这份遗憾成为永远的美....</p> END |